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American Chemical Society

Division of the History of Chemistry

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Spring 1996

Newsletter for the 211th National ACS Meeting (Spring, 1996)

Marty Saltzman of Providence College has just completed a very successful year chairing the division, and we all owe him a debt of gratitute for his outstanding service. During 1995 your division sponsored three excellent symposia. At Anaheim the Ninth Symposium on Archaeological Chemistry was well attended and international in scope. Many of the papers presented will be published in the book Archaeological Chemistry: Organic, Inorganic, and Biochemical Analysis edited by Mary Virginia Orna for the ACS Symposium Series. Members of the division receive a discount on the purchase of this book. In Chicago we sponsored a symposium in appreciation of Sidney Edelstein's many contributions to chemistry through the Dexter Chemical Corporation, the Division of the History of Chemistry, and the Sidney Edelstein Centers in Israel. In addition, we sponsored a symposim recognizing the Centennial of the Chicago Section of the ACS. The occasion coincided with the 75th anniversary of the founding of your division. Accordingly, members enjoyed a 75th Anniversary Dinner on the campus of Northwestern University, where the initial discussions to form the division are thought to have occurred in 1920 between Edgar Fahs Smith and Charles A. Browne. The Dexter Award Address was delivered at the Chicago meeting by the Dexter Awardee, W. H. Brock of the University of Leicester.

By now you should have received the index to history-related articles that have been published in the Journal of Chemical Education, put together largely by Mary Saltzman. You should also soon be receiving issues of the Bulletin again. It has emerged from its production and legal problems. Paul Jones is now the editor. Among other subjects, the papers from the Ingold Centennial Symposium will be published.

Your officers are developing a homepage for the division, which should become available during 1996. If you have graphics or ideas worthy of inclusion please send them to me, Your program chair, Richard Rice ( ), needs to hear from you with regard to both submission of general papers at national meetings and the development of future symposia. One suggested symposium subject has been the contributions of American women to chemistry. If you want to become involved in the organization of a symposium on such a subject, please let me know.

The division will not have a program at the Orlando meeting. In New Orleans we will have a business meeting first thing on Monday, March 15, followed by general session. I look forward to seeing you there.

Joseph B. Lambert
Division Chair, 1996