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American Chemical Society

Division of the History of Chemistry

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Final Program, 229th ACS National Meeting, in San Diego, CA, March 13-17, 2005
J. S. Jeffers, Program Chair



Section A

Hyatt Regency -- Betsy C

General Papers

J. S. Jeffers, Organizer

1:00 - 1. Where oxygen was really discovered: Scheele in Stralsund, Göteborg, Malmö, Stockholm, Uppsala, and Köping. J. L. Marshall, V. L. Marshall

1:25 - 2. Johannes Wislicenus in Zurich, 1860-1872. P. J. Ramberg

1:50 - 3. Would Kekulé have proposed a hexagonal structure of benzene if he had used Lego® block models? B. Ramsay

2:15 - 4. Decomposition of hydrogen peroxide by blood: George Senter's discovery of the enzyme involved. J. T. Stock

2:40 - Intermission.

2:55 -5. Associates of Frederick Sanger: César Milstein, Nobel Laureate 1984. J. S. Jeffers

3:20 -6. Patriots, immigrants, patentees and the National Inventors Hall of Fame. H. M. Peters, S. B. Peters

3:45 -7. Structural reinvestigation of ammonium hypophosphite: Was dihydrogen bonding observed long ago? S. Marincean, J. E. Jackson, R. Custelcean, R. Stein


Section A

Hyatt Regency -- Betsy C

The Rise and Fall of Chlorofluorocarbons
The Rise of CFCs

Cosponsored with CHED, ENVR, and PHYS
C. J. Giunta, Organizer

8:55 - Introductory Remarks.

9:00 - 8. Is refrigerants' development in a back-to-the-future mode? D. Didion

9:40 - 9. Invention of chlorofluorocarbon refrigerants. M. S. Bhatti

10:20 - Intermission.

10:35 - 10. Poly(chlorotrifluoroethylene): Genesis and rise of a chlorofluorocarbon. H. Goldwhite

11:15 - 11. Beyond refrigeration: Spread of CFCs. C. J. Giunta


Section A

Hyatt Regency -- Randle E

The Rise and Fall of Chlorofluorocarbons

The Fall of CFCs

Cosponsored with CHED, ENVR, and PHYS C. J. Giunta, Organizer

1:25 - Introductory Remarks.

1:30 - 12. Chlorine initiation of stratospheric ozone depletion. F. S. Rowland

2:10 - 13. Measurement of chlorine-containing species in the stratosphere. J. G. Anderson

2:50 - Intermission.

3:05 - 14. Phasing out CFCs: An invisible transition. P. S. Zurer

3:45 - 15. Environmental acceptability of alternatives to chlorofluorocarbons: Long-term issues. J. S. Francisco

4:30 - Business Meeting.


Section A

Convention Center -- Sails Pavilion


J. S. Jeffers, Organizer

8:00 - 10:00

11, 15. See previous listings.

16. Isolation of U-235 via gaseous diffusion: A chemical problem of the Manhattan Project. A. S. Gamboa, H. Goldwhite


History of Organic Geochemistry

Cosponsored with GEOC

Ken B. Anderson, R. Paul Philp, Organizers
Presiding: R. Paul Philp

8:30 - Introductory Remarks

8:40 - 81. The history of organic geochemistry. R. Paul Philp

9:05 - 82. Organic geochemistry: Its recognition as a geoscience. Keith A. Kvenvolden

9:30 - 83. Organic geochemistry: From an application oriented method to a scientific discipline. Pieter A. Schenck

9:55 - 84. Reflections on the development of petroleum systems and vitrinite reflectance. Wallace G. Dow

10:20 - Intermission

10:40 - 85. Developments in biomarker geochemistry: The evolution from structural enquiry to paleoclimate proxies. Simon C Brassell

11:05 - 86. Four decades of organic geochemical studies of lake sediments. Philip A. Meyers

11:30 - 87. Artificial maturation of kerogen: From experimentation to physico-chemical modelling. R. Michels, L. Mansuy-Hault, M. Elie, P. Landais, V. Burkle-Vizthum, F. Lannuzel, G. Scacchi, P. Marquaire, J.W. Larsen, R. P. Philp, D. Dessort


History of Organic Geochemistry

Cosponsored with GEOC

Ken B. Anderson, R. Paul Philp, Organizers

1:30 - Introductory Remarks

1:35 - 98. Short history of natural gas geochemistry. Bernie B. Bernard

2:00 - 99. The evolution of geochemical service sector: A historical perspective. Daniel M. Jarvie, S. Brown

2:25 - 100. The Chevron team. Two decades of research in biomarker applications and fundamentals. J. Michael Moldowan

2:50 - 101. Advances in organic geochemistry of China: An overview. Jiamo Fu

3:15 - Intermission

3:35 - 102. On the evolution of academic Organic Geochemistry in the Netherlands. Jan W. de Leeuw

4:00 - 103. IFP Geochemistry group: Contribution to petroleum geochemistry. Françoise Behar

4:25 - 104. Australian contributions to the field of organic geochemistry. Roger E Summons

4:50 - 105. The history of organic geochemistry in South America. Luiz A. F. Trindade, Carla Viviane Araujo, Eugenio Vaz dos Santos Neto