23rd annual conference of the International Society for the Philosophy of Chemistry
Call for Papers. Deadline April 1, 2019.
The deadline for abstract submission to the 23rd Annual Conference of the International Society for the Philosophy of Chemistry ( is delayed to April 1st, 2019.
Please, use the Abstract template available at the conference website and e-mail your abstract to
Call for Papers. Deadline March 15, 2019.
Less than a century ago, IUPAC was born, with the main purpose of enabling communication between chemists worldwide. A hundred years later, IUPAC and chemistry are jointly facing world challenges such as globalization, energy crisis, climate change and environmental issues, and it is timely to have a critical and thorough look back with the purpose of equipping the community for the future.
2019 is also the 150th anniversary of Mendeleev's successful attempt to arrange the chemical elements according to their atomic weights, into what we call the Periodic Table (PT), and UNESCO and the United Nations General Assembly have proclaimed 2019 as the International Year of the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements.
The three sessions of Symposium 6 of the IUPAC2019 Congress will bring together historians of chemistry, and chemists, to tackle the interwoven evolution of IUPAC and chemistry, with a special session devoted to the specific role of IUPAC in respect with the filling of the PT.
Session 6.1: IUPAC's Legacy to Chemistry
Call for papers on all areas of the intertwined development of chemistry and IUPAC during the last 100 years are welcome.
Session 6.2: IUPAC and the heritage of Chemistry
Call for papers that showcase examples of preservation of the heritage of chemistry, be it industrial or academic, with a special emphasis on IUPAC's legacy and role.
Session 6.3: The Periodic Table at 150
Call for papers that deal with the historical development and use of the PT, with an emphasis on the role of IUPAC.
The call for papers, and all links on how to submit, is to be found on the IUPAC website
Danielle FAUQUE: (Université Paris Sud/Paris Saclay, FR)
Brigitte Van TIGGELEN: (UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve, BE; Science History Institute, Philadelphia, USA)
For more details on the sessions of Symposium 6,
Call for abstracts:
Website of the IUPAC Congress:
International Symposium "Celebrating D.I. Mendeleev's Periodic System. A Historical Perspective"
Call for Papers. Deadline March 15, 2019.
Satellite symposium to XXI Mendeleev Congress, 10-13 September 2019, Saint Petersburg State University.
The XXI Mendeleev Congress is held under the auspices of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC). The symposium is supported by the EuChemS - Working Party on the History of Chemistry, the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, the Mendeleev Russian Chemical Society, the St. Petersburg State University and the Russian Chemists Union.
The satellite symposium will be held on the Saint Petersburg State University campus on Vasilievsky Island, while the other venues of the Mendeleev Congress will include the Saint Petersburg Mining University (also known as Gorny) and conference rooms at the Park Inn by Radisson Pribaltiyskaya St Petersburg.
The Mendeleev Congress traditionally maintains an interdisciplinary program and in the frame of the International Year of the Periodic Table, it is only fitting to have a satellite symposium celebrating the 150th anniversary of the first publication of the D. I Mendeleev's Periodic System (PS) of the elements. This innovative and ground breaking new way of classification of the elements created the iconic Periodic Table (PT) which under different forms and presentations is still in use in every classroom around the world.
But how did this idea emerge and take form? What is the historical context of the discovery of PS? Who were the chemists involved, besides D.I. Mendeleev? How were the ideas and concepts discussed, criticized or appropriated? How did the core ideas of PS and PT develop through the 150 years that separates us from the initial publications? And how is this universal device used and accommodated for teaching, and research? How did it work in classrooms and textbooks, or appear in more popular culture as an icon of chemistry and science?
The Symposium "Celebrating D.I. Mendeleev's Periodic System. A Historical Perspective" will gather scholars to tackle these questions pertaining to the historical emergence, development and use of the PS, and the most powerful scientific icon, the PT. While there are still much debates and ongoing discussion about the nature of the PS, the best arrangement of the elements, and the underlying laws that govern such the periodic classification, this symposium will specifically hold a historical perspective. Beyond the story of discovery, and its context, it will also examine the response and the appropriation processes that explain the longevity of this classification across time, space and culture. In particular, this symposium aims at providing space for less discussed topics such as the use of PT in textbooks and the pedagogical context, the presence of the PT in popular culture, and the role of women scientist in the development of the PS/PT.
The main topics of the Symposium include the following non-exhaustive sub-themes for contributors of individual papers, and posters:
- D.I. Mendeleev and the scientific environment at the time of the emergence of the PS;
- Mendeleev's PS, other systems and tables of chemical classifications in their historical context: forerunners, early controversies and priorities around the PS and the PT
- Appropriation and circulation of the PS and the PT: responses, accommodations with new scientific discoveries and theories
- The PS/PT and the teaching and popularisation of chemistry in a historical perspective: pedagogical context of the formulation and early use of the PS/PT, role of textbooks in the use and development of PS/PT, the PT as a popular icon
- Women scientists and their role in the development of the PS/PT
In addition to the scientific program, the congress will include social events.
Key-Note Speakers:
Prof. Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent, Université Paris 1, Pantheon-Sorbonne, France - Mendeleev's notion of chemical element: a key actor in the construction of the periodic table
Prof. Helge Kragh, Niels Bohr Institute, Denmark - Astrochemistry, New Elements, and Mendeleev's Periodic Table
Prof. David E. Lewis, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, USA - Mendeleev, Markovnikov and the Zhurnal Russkago Khimicheskago Obshchestva: Celebrating Three Sesquicentennials
Prof. Martyn Poliakoff, University of Nottingham, England - Mendeleev's gift to Education
Registration and conference fees:
The participants to the satellite meeting should register at the Mendeleev Congress, see
The 12th International Conference on the History of Chemistry (12ICHC)
Call for Papers.
Every two years the Working Party on History of Chemistry (WPHC) of the European Chemical Society (EuChemS) organizes an international conference on the history of chemistry, open to colleagues from all over the world. The 12th International Conference on the History of Chemistry (12ICHC) will take place from July 29th to August 2nd, 2019 in Maastricht, one of the oldest cities of The Netherlands. The dates of the conference are chosen in such a way that those who are visiting the Annual Meeting of the History of Science Society (HSS) in Utrecht, The Netherlands, from 23 to 27 July 2019, can easily combine this with participation in 12ICHC.
Deadline for submitting proposals (both panels and individual papers): 15 January 2019. More information about session or paper submission, deadlines and practical arrangements can be found on: Additional information can also be found HERE.
In the history of the discovery and establishment of the Periodic Table (PT), it seems as if there were hardly any women scientists involved. More numerous are they however when it comes to filling the table, and discovering elements, their properties and their use, even though those women are often forgotten or overlooked. This symposium will specifically address the contribution of women to the PT and the knowledge of its elements, by demonstrating the presence of women and girls in the history of the development and filling of the PT, by reviewing the present situation and achievement of women in chemistry today and setting the table for the future.
The Symposium is organized under the auspices of UNESCO and through the cooperation of IUPAC, IUHPST, EuChemS (European Chemical Society) as well as the Real Sociedad Española de Química and the University of Murcia. This international conference is set in the frame of the International Year of the Periodic Table of the Elements (IYPT) and will start on the International Day for Women and Girls in Science. The program includes plenary lectures, key notes, oral communications and posters, as well as a round table.
For more information on the symposium, the venue, the associated events and how to register, see the website: or send an email to